Coincidence Loves To Fuck With Me
well if you found this page it's because you wanna see a log of wtf coincidences hit me. these are just any random coincidence i notice, which a lot of them will merely be a part of Apophenia, and nothing serious, but still, weird.
11: my mother brought up chicken lo mein after pulling some bullshit with me resulting in me asking for something else for dinner, and then people were talking about lo mein in general chat of my favourite discord server.
10: now ex girlfriend Jessie and i broke up a bit ago and Selena (other friend of Jessie and I's) messaged me on the morning of December 3rd, which is the same day i met a system with a very amazing dom Alter also named Jessie, whose system has a little named Selena, which is the name of a friend of my ex Jessie.
9: girlfriend (at the time) Jessie, and one of JoJo System's (QPR) girlfriends discovered new Alters. for Jessie it's her first
8: read an article on Guilty Gear's Bridget being trans about a month before meeting a trans girl IRL who liked her
7: found an image while searching for one on Pexels, found the same image in an amazon listing (Google docs explaining)
6: things happening in life not working out repeatedly all right when my mood had started to go back up
5: multiple friends feeling suicidal at the same time while doing testing (different testing)
Coincidences 1-4 - not remembered